The Mansion
(Voted one of the top attractions in Grand Rapids, MN!)
The Gilbert Mansion, once home to one of the most prominent families in northern Minnesota, is a virtual time capsule. Completely furnished in period antiques including many of the Gilbert family's possessions, it gives us a glimpse into the lives of a very interesting and privileged family as well as a lesson in early Grand Rapids history. Each room is furnished as it would have been when the Gilberts resided there.

The parlor wall gives a taste of the gorgeous original Quarter-sawn White Oak woodwork.

Throughout the home you'll see stunning stained glass and leaded/beveled glass windows. They cast a beautiful light show as the sun plays through them.

The Gilbert Mansion's attics are filled with surprises! We continue to uncover treasures to include in our museum.

Each room is decorated as it would have been when the Gilbert family lived there and contains items which belonged to each respective family member.

One of the treasures found in our attic was Wayne Gilbert's WWI uniform along with his Purple Heart Citation.
Victorian Christmas
          at the Gilbert Mansion
Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds and smells of a Victorian Christmas.
Every year we decorate each and every wonderful room of the mansion in Christmas finery! Our holiday tours have become extremely popular and a
great way to get into the Christmas spirit! Your tour concludes with cookies
and hot cider for the perfect holiday treat!